Current there are
neither classes nor namespaces in JavaScript. However, we could modularize JavaScript code with the
Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE).
Firstly, let's
define a variable and two functions as the following, without modularization:
var count = 0; function print() console.log(count); } function increase() { count++; }
In the code above,
the function names print and increase are available globally, and it is highly
possible for them to conflict with other variable or function names. Therefore,
it is necessary to protect them inside a module.
The first
modularization solution is to utilize objects. The variable and functions
become members of an object, as listed below:
var module = new Object({ count: 0, print: function() { console.log(this.count); }, increase: function() { this.count++; } });
The problem with
this solution is that the member variable count is accessible outside the
object, which usually is not our purpose because we would like to hide data but
just expose interfaces. The following code shows how to modify the member
variable count:
module.count = 5; module.increase(); module.print(); // 6
The member variable
count is initialized as 0 firstly. It is increased to 6 then, so the output is
A better solution to
modularize is to utilize IIFE. The code above can be refined into the following
section of code:
var module = function() { var count = 0; var print = function() { console.log(count); }; var increase = function() { count++; }; return { print: print, increase: increase }; }();
In the code above,
count is a local variable inside the anonymous function, and it is inaccessible
outside the function. Therefore, only the interfaces are exposed but the
details are hidden.
We could demonstrate
that the variable count is inaccessible with the following piece of code:
module.count = 5; module.increase(); module.print(); // 1
Even though we try
to set module.count as 5, it actually inserts a property count with value 5
into the object returned by the anonymous function, but the variable count
inside the function keeps unchanged. After the variable count increases, it
becomes 1, so the output is 1, instead of 6.
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